Friday, March 1

I want to talk about the IZZIES that come into our life at the most unexpected times. I call them Izzies because they remind me of the Izzy in the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" Ladies who are wise beyond even their older years and who touch our lives in magical ways. I met a real Izzy in Colorado Springs and her real name was Izzy! She was a very spiritual lady who helped all those around her and helped out all her neighbors and friends. She talked to me about love and the love she had for her late husband and gave me hope that there are such great men out there as we ate some goodies she had made! She passed away a few years ago and I had a tug on my heart and then a smile as she is somewhere with her husband the great love of her life. Then I met Mary this last June. She lived across the street from my daughter and when I arrived in Calif I was having a bit of moving anxiety and Mary was truly a Izzie! She would call me over and we sat on her porch a few times a week where she gave me the best advice and I took it. She also gave me advice on how important it is to love your home and be content in your home! She too loved her late husband and was a super homemaker who cared for her kids and husband. She too was loved and helped her friends. She too gave me great goodies to eat! Izzies always feed you!!! A month before she passed Amanda and I took her to give a friend a pie at Christmas as this friend is all alone! What a lady she was. Mary collected tea cups and gave me one and forever I will look at it and remember how this lady touched my life when my life so disparately needed touching. She loved her family and home and her collections and she will be missed. Izzies can be your mom, sister, girlfreinds, women you meet in the most unusual places!! Now...I want to be a IZZY in life...oh yea....

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