Sunday, December 23


This year has been a very busy year packed into 12 small months! Huge! I started the year off In Colorado working at Primrose Preschool and loving my job and ended the year living in California and working for a company called “I DO” MG! I moved from Colorado because I felt a calling to California. I did not know why I had a calling to come back to the home of my growing up years except that my children were there and I needed to be near them! Here are some of my highlights and low lights! I was made Teacher of the month last spring in CO and it was a honor to be recognized as my work with the kids mattered so much to me. I reached the second to the last weight loss goal of 135 from 190 a few years ago. Yea! Size six zipped right up thanks to my coaches and Debi being one of them who sent email just when I needed it. Dance your pants off! I started taking dance lessons and loved it. Learned to Cha Cha and line dance and swing (Move those hips! Great self esteem booster! I plan on more lessons in my future! Did a few 5 mile climbs! Yea, I climbed the Rocky Mountains! Still want to score new hiking boots! Then the MOVE. When I first moved to California I let my stinky mindset just run away with my brain. I was negative, fear filled and became what I said I would never become again “A Victim” and even though I was full of the knowledge of what NOT to do and how to have a healthy mindset. I simply choose to run with the negative. I ended up gaining ten pounds or so and feeling awful. What does a healthy California / Colorado girl do? She picks herself up and she simply changes back to the healthy person with a positive mindset and hangs with good healthy people and fuels her body to win! She moves a hour each day (walking or jogging) and she does this in ONE WEEK! Yes, six months of being in a room sad and icky and all it took was ONE week because I had the tools from my life coaches! In Calif I have river rafted for the first time, went on a very small (2 seats) air plane with NO roof, walked around the whole of San Francisco on foot and spent time with all my kids! (Now i know I was meant to spend time with my grown babies and to see that they are fab so im free to go now and be FAB) Now I have a great job and great future ahead and I am happy and full of faith. Yes, Life is good! 2013 COME AND GET ME!

Wednesday, December 19


Today I was listening to a video from and Debi was talking about how we can do 1 thing each day to improve our life. JUST 1 THING in a few areas. Or just do 1 of them…. If you omit soda from your diet and you add 1 glass of water each day you could loose weight in just a few weeks time. How about giving your kids 1 extra hug or word of encouragement each day, look at your spouse in the eyes for 1 min each day and tell them you love them with your eyes, lift your weights 1 extra time when you think you are all done, walk or run 1 extra block each day…make 1 phone call to a loved one or old friend each day or week! and on and on…….Take 1 negative thought each day and replace it with a positive thought….. My plan is to keep eating gluten free and to get back on my vegan eating MORE RAW food each day and to post recipes here. Keep looking out….