Saturday, July 30

Let The Past Go!

We all have a story to tell and the older we get the more we have to tell! Some of our stories are great and wonderful and some are not so good with pain and devastation. I have such a story and it is a few years in the making. What I have had to learn is that I AM NOT MY STORY!! I am not that two years of whatever and until I decided to find out who I was and I have done that was I able to live a abundant life.

My life-coach tells me I am not my story and that I have to move past it and to let the past go in order for me to move into my future. I have done that and am working on it daily. I am becoming a new creation and a bit of the old Cheryl...The Cheryl Lynn that was always there is coming alive!

If you are stuck in a past story then I ask you why? How does that serve you? Does it allow you to remain a "poor me victim"? and how fun is that? NOT.....How do you let go of the past?

You have to practice it daily in your thoughts. When a stinky thought comes to your mind you have to cast it out and replace it with a positive thought. When you think "Oh my, I cant believe I did that" you say "Who cares"? You are different now and move on!

Life is good and we have the power to create our future!!! (MrG)