Sunday, August 14


I just was sitting here reading your journal that I started when you were 9 years old. Years later and a much grown up mom. Reading brought back to the great times of watching you grow up the last few years in Turlock..good years. Erik i am very proud of you. In my wildest dreams I could not have asked for a better son.

You have grown into a man of honor and integrity. When i was a young girl people would ask me "what do you want to be when you grow up" I would say "a mommy" I am so proud of "ME" as did it. Look at you three kids. Anything else I do is icing on the cake. Did I make mistakes..Yea....You kids and your self reliant attitudes have inspired me this year to be brave and stand tall.

I am so proud of your work and what you have accomplished all on your own with hard work and determination.

Brandon....The only thing I have to say about Brandon is he is a treasure!......I am so proud of the partner you are to Brandon.....You inspire me to be that partner someday.

Always remember. Volcano's with flour all over the kitchen and back yard homemade swimming pools...

Love you.....

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