What I did was wake up after a long night of tossing and turning about what my sister said. See Nov 28, 2010 post. What she said was that women cry and get moody etc. Big deal! Its what we do with it. For me yesterday was a day of waking up and being me and I can tell you there were no tears.
I got ready to go to church yet had not a clue which church i was going to. Catholic? Protestant?
I got in the car and decided after months to just go to Saint Paul Catholic church and went to the 10:30 and it was the first day of Lent and I was blessed. Does that mean I'm Catholic? Ditched the whole Protestant thing? Noooo. Does it mean I am spiritually confused. NO WAY...I am more grounded then ever and have a faith like I have never had in my whole life.
What it means is that I made a decision and felt great about it. What it means is yea...maybe i am meant for Jedi Knighthood! or something else that is different or just to be me. Maybe I am not going to classify myself right now in any one religion or church and that is ok. I come from a wide variety of different religions and backgrounds and maybe just maybe God will use me and find a place for me. For now...Let the Force be with me :) silly I know!
After Church I came home and arranged my furnature all different and cleaned my little space I call home and then decided to go to a step meeting......or not. I got in the car and headed that way and thought. "NO.....you dont want to set in a meeting with a circle of chairs all facing each other and on and on" No.....that was not what i was to do so I went to whole foods and got my coconut sugar (low glacemic goodness) and wondered around the store looking at the cosmetics and candles and sampled 2 different cheeses. One was simply orgasmic. :).......did not buy it because it was like 79 dollars a pound or something silly.
Then I went home...and there you go. Today I smile because I had a great day.....A day of Cheryl being just Cheryl and it felt good
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