Today in my Simple Abundance book a question was asked: "Who are the women you admire and why"? Women I admire.....
First and foremost I admire my mom. She has had a challenging life and at age 70 has turned it all around and is starting OVER! She inspires me as i am starting over and if she can do it then I can do it!
I was thinking yesterday after I told a friend that I call my mom daily and i was thinking about why? Yes I love her! and She is my MOM!
Mom simply makes me smile and she always gives me positive answers and positive statements. She spews positiveness in the universe and always has done when i talk to her. She gets EXCITED and i mean real excited at things like that im almost in a size 8! or that my man in the mountain is going to come some day. She claims there is a man up in Cheyenne mountain that will "collect' me soon :) So cute and POSITIVE happy.....That is mom! When the kids were little and i was exasperated at things like potty training she would say things like "oh well, she will be potty trained on her wedding day so dont worry" :) serious....Mom...I admire mom.
My friends present and past are the same. I admire them when they are positive and full of faith. When they let God do the work and have faith that its
Gods will and all will turn out just as he has planned! I love that! When you loose a job a friend says "God will have a new better one for you, HOW EXCITING and FUN" :) When you divorce a friend says "Wow, i cant wait to see what God has planned for your life, I'm so excited for you" A friend recently said that to me ......
I admire homemakers who love their families and devote their time to their husbands, children and grand children. I love women CEO's of big companies who are fair and successful. I admire women who have come out of abuse and can help others and one of my new friends is that! She had horror in her and her children's lives and yet here she is successful and trusting God and inspiring me to NO end! She is amazing.
I admire my sister and cousin and my daughters. All who have had a rough time in life and yet all are wonderful, beautiful and my hero's!
That is it for now......
OH yea one more...............I admire ME :) I admire Cheryl and the way she inspires others and is getting more positive by the day and is moving forward and I have discovered its ok to admire yourself at times and to love Cheryl! She is good.....
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