Sunday, May 8

Happy Mothers Day

I have journals for the kids and I want to share my last entry December 2010

To my children Mothers Day 2011

Dear Erik,

Years later and a much grown up mom. Reading this book brought me back to the great times of watching you grow up and of my last few years in Turlock.

Erik, I am so stinken proud of you! In my wildest dreams I could not ask for a better son. You have grown into a man of courage and honor and integrity. I'm in awe....When I was a little girl people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would say "A mommy and a wife" Erik im so proud of me today. Look at you three....Im done! Anything else I do is icing on the cake!

You kids have showed your mom what self reliant and good and brave and what stand tall looks like! You have taught me what forgiveness looks like as well...You are a awesome partner to Brandon and a hard worker.

Remember the volcano with flour blowing up the kitchen? Your back yard homemade swimming pool? I fly out tomorrow to see you...Love you Buddy

Dear Ashely,

Im flying out to Colorado and can't wait to spend time with you. I'm in Colorado because my future is here and waiting. Weeder im so proud of you. You have become a beautiful women and a good partner to Roger and good sister and a awesome daughter. You ar a hard worker and for that im proud. You are daughter to the king. You are pink and fufu.....

You show me what a women of courage and strength looks like and you are my brave little girl. I am blessed to have you as my daughter and friend. I love you baby....

Dear Amanda,

You are a beautiful example of a mothers dream when she holds her little baby and dreams of what the grown up women will become. A women of courage and honor.I am blessed to have known you and to be your mom. You are funny and smart and bold and and kind.

You fought hard to finish school and your work at your job is good.

You are a princess truly......Love you my third baby.......and you will always be all our baby....

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