Sunday, June 26

Today at church they played part of the move "The Matrix" The part where Neo asks Morpheus to explain the matrix and Morpheus holds out two hands and in each hand there is a pill, ONE RED AND ONE BLUE.

Morpheus: “You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”


That pretty much sums up my life, how about yours? I had a choice just like that a year and a half ago. Last year i had the choice ....take the blue pill and stay in my life as it was....or take the red pill full of change and happiness and growth and yes "wonderland"...

Some days i think "blue pill come and get me" :) and then I carry on and do the next correct thing and am so happy I choose red and life!

Life is friggen good!!!

More to come....

Sunday, June 19


Confidence .....I can not say enough about how that one state of being impacts our life as women. It makes a huge difference in life with work, friendships and even love....

Most of you know i work in a infant room and we have two sweet little girls right now. One is very confident. She looks you in the eye and she has these big eyes and is is as cute as can be. She is boisterous and laughs very loud and her eyes are huge and she mesmerizes you. When strangers walk in she yells out and laughs and they look at her and she flirts away and gets a "hello, my arnt you a cutie" and she is all over that. She knows she is cute and goes after the complement and gets it each time.

Then there is the other sweetie pie. She may appear not as confident and yet her teachers know better. She is shy and does not like strangers and when they enter the room she looks away and cry's and people say "oh wow, she does not like strangers" They never say she is cute etc and yet I have just really bonded with her and when she smiles she is just beautiful and cute and knows how to flirt! She can mesmerize you with her eyes as well as baby above when she wants to. Key here is "when she wants to" :)

Both children have great parents who are confidant and both girls are as different as night and day. I more like the second sweetie pie. I am shy and it takes me a bit of time to trust people and I suspect i was always like this and now with people who tell me im good, smart and yes pretty (us women do need that from time to time) I am rocking...:)

My life-coach said this week that we can hover on the ground with the pigeons or we can sail through the sky with the eagles. I choose the eagles! and choose to be the eagle in everyone's life today.

I am sure this is the key to building self esteem / confidence. Choose friends, work associates, life mates etc that build you up and then you be that person as well. Strip the negative people from your life. The emotional vampires that suck the life out of you. :) and have fun for goodness sakes...

Friday, June 10


Wait...My word of the day. Waiting has always been hard for me and often in my life I got impatient and did my own thing my own way and its always been a "How is that working for you Cheryl"? :) Because what I wanted was not in the immediate reach I would reach for second best and it was always a disaster. If I had only just waited.

I use to decide to cute my hair and i mean when I decided to that meant NOW as in right this minute so i would call up my stylist and of course she was all booked up for "right now" so i would go down to the local chain hair choppers and do it because i could not WAIT and wow I got a chopper all right.

I am all about waiting now. I have waited a year and a half for my life to just play itself out here in Colorado and have not jumped on the lets move here or there band wagon. Wait is not easy and like the bad hair cut not waiting on God is much harder! and you are very sorry at the result weather its a chopped "DO" or a chopped up botched up relationship.

My friend Michael is teaching me all about waiting in life and we had this conversation recently about how in our society no one wants to wait. Anything can be at our fingertips now. We can go into the store and get a gourmet meal and microwave it and we can talk to anyone at anytime on a cell phone. I remember when we only had a home phone and you had to wait for someone to call you back and really before answering machines you did not even know they called. wait.....

I have rushed things in life and today its all about waiting for what is good and perfect.

Weather its a beautiful relationship with the one that was meant for me all along while i was hurrying destiny along or that slow cooked all day beef bourguignon. Wow, that sounded sensual and related somehow.....haha

Ok next post will have to be about the meantime :) What to do in the wait.....HINT: sing, dance, pray, love, give, laugh, risk, ......and for goodness sakes..HAVE FUN....