Tuesday, December 13


I have not been here in a few weeks! I have had more then a few people come up to me and ask me how i stay so happy and positive and I tell them that it was a habit that I had to learn and then practice and develop. Two years ago when I first started practicing it I would be positive about everything all day long to the point of it being silly. Yet, it helped me develop my positive lifestyle. I would say happy things about even the most awful situations and was a bit irritating to a few people and the ones that love me knew that I was in learning mode and they just smiled at me. For months I would spend the whole day just practicing it and saying good things. I smiled....and I laughed.

Now..where am I? I am real now. I allowed myself to go back to Cheryl and what Cheryl believes and I now pull out my positive attitude daily. When a situation is wrong or gross ..I call it wrong or gross now. I do not find the good in all bad every time. Yes, I still will look for good in all and I still smile and I still pull out my positive attitude and yet i am real. People are now able to talk to me and get a real answer and not a Pollyanna "oh lets be glad" answer...

I am sharing this because I believe my two years of just being a positive robot were needed to develop a new way of thinking If you want to be a happier and more positive person I challenge you to go into the Positive thinking boot camp like I did and just think about what you say all day long and only come back with something helpful and happy and do this for months or two years like I did. I still do that 99 percent of the day and when I get into stinky thinking and try to justify it I simply empty the old excuse bucket (mg) and know that its old habits that are creeping up.

Have a great day....and be happy life is good....(mg)

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